Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Our modern institution is interested in cultivating an environment where young students can come together and learn in a creative and flexible environment. We work collaboratively with our students to achieve outstanding results.
Koroška c. 53/d, 4000 Kranj
Phone: 04 23 80 240
– neposredno v društveni pisarni
– v Poslovni enoti AMZS d.d. (Tehnični bazi)
– ob storitvi neposredne pomoči na cesti pri izvajalcu storitve (mehaniku)
Ponedeljek, sreda:
od 8.00 do 14.30
Ostale informacije:
Ponedeljek - petek:
od 8.00 do 15.00
sobota, nedelja in prazniki: zaprto.